smart warehouse

IoT makes warehouses smarter

December 22, 2020 BlogTechnology

The Internet of Things is all around you. The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of connected devices, computers, and mechanical or digital machines with unique identifiers that transfer data over a network. A ‘thing’ in the IoT can be a smartphone, a laptop, a car sensor, a biometric sensor, a GPS device, a temperature sensor or even a heart monitor implant. IoT is becoming very popular with the supply chain industry, since its time saving, cost effective, boosts efficiency, provides quick visibility and enables response which also makes a smart warehouse.

In simpler terms, IoT supports smarter working with more control. Across various industries IoT enables the following:

  • Process automation
  • Performance monitoring
  • Asset Management
  • Security surveillance
  • Workforce management
  • Analysis and insight

The IoT market is booming and industry experts predict IoT adoption and spending will grow rapidly over the next few years.

Warehouse and IoT

A warehouse that is automated and connected via the Internet of Things (IoT) is called a smart warehouse. The physical operation is integrated with the digital processes. The purpose is to cut the need for manual handling and increase the speed, quality, flexibility and efficiency of logistics processes.

E-commerce has many challenges with specific demands on logistics. A wide range of products, short product lifecycles, different order sizes, demand variations, fast deliveries and a large number of returns make the warehouse a critical function. Hence, IoT enabled warehouses to make the process easier and faster.

5 Benefits of a Smart Warehouse System

  1. Smart warehouses improve human efficiency
  2. Smart warehouses enable faster turnaround time and increase productivity
  3. Smart warehouses increase warehouse transparency
  4. Smart warehouses improve scalability
  5. Smart warehouses increase your adaptability

It is imperative that organizations work on the data security, for, the no of sensors and edges that come into play with IoT initiatives also proliferate the possibilities of security breaches.

– Jayendran Natarajan

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